June 30, 2009

Help 100% no trouble

Govinda Bhattarai
Who help me form village to make this live . He is a important mamber of this site. He will be help you if needed in the village if you have any problem you can solve by him.
Contact No. 9746036096
Mail: Shree Krishna Gandaki vdc-9 Mirmee phanta Syangja,)

June 25, 2009

"Syangja ta ghar" -Visual by Gopal

"Syangja ta ghar" album's Titel song about mirmi and n seens,models are also taken from Mirmi.You can see 'mirmi Syangja' village in diffrent view .
This video is dedicate to all my villagers and all well-wisher like you.
Vedios charactors are: sudha pandey, kalpana neupane mira pandey, madan bhattarai ,bhuwan pandey,narayan bhattarai, govinda bhattarai ,Rajiv Neupane and other selint friends.

June 21, 2009

News presenting at collage

This video shows to my charactor n my bahebiour You are exist or not you can find out after watch this vedio .

In this vedio im presenting own my creation ( commedy news but really touched who related you may be in there ). Madan bhattarai who help me to record this vedio at hole time.

June 4, 2009

Your edit from here..

yOU To EdIT From HeRe IF you like ..
please share us ur filling.. and trouble we
will publish ........

Pasupati tira ko travall

Friend are looking to u they are Madan Bhattarai,Narayan Bhattarai(cont.left behind) Bhuwan pandey Gopal pandey(me) n Gyanu Neupane ( cont.left ahead) at pasupati's pariko jangal ma gaf gardai saturday ko khali time utilyze gardai garda deyeko pose.

This is to NEpal..

This video access to show nawalparashai 'indian Nahar'(20 may 2009)
Dear frn, n other i want to just a simple collacation of daily usable items or things in my blogspot n also i want it share u too thanx alot to u for look my blogspot.

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