July 2, 2009

'Kaligandaki river' 'Natural-view'

'Kaligandaki river' 'Natural-view' u can see boats n steembars in middle of the river u can also travell of there (7KM north in water ) a small cost of ur money .Also you can enjoy at boating small fee per/hrs. less then 5 people in boat n less then 200 people in steember, swiming cote is nessecary to wear.
After 7km north there is a popular Tample or salikram god within river.Everytime u can warship n pary. Your desire will be comes out in true is people believes in there.

Power house in the middle of The kali-Gandaki river n hydro elericity project at Syangja mirmee which is 144 MW and biggest of Nepal yet.U can enter some allowed place if u have permission.You can get permission easly without any cost.But you fallow some rules n regulers.

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