August 25, 2009

Literature, Culture, and Digital Media Program !

A very warm welcome to the syangja mirmee: we are trying to find out on the web this images respectively....

1.syangja Bhagawati Higher Secondary School mirmee syangja celebreating 58th annual program.

2.You are in The way of "BIRGHA" and harmicharu But you are looking Gulmi harmicharu named "Thulo lumpak " or Deurali from syangja mirmee.

3. Snake-Way to Damside the latest and the biggest hydro project of nepal till 2010. You can swim free where you thik.

4.Most biggest frut and you know this can avoid cancer....syangja was popular in 2056 bc by this fruit .

We caindly req to present .. our meating from

We look forward to meeting you at BTH in Mirmi, Syangja on Friday, March 21 10:15-12:00 in room 5320 for your introduction meeting to the LCDM Program. At this time you will meet your teachers and learn more about our program. If you are unable to attend the introduction, please use the contact information below to alert me of your absence.

Please note: Students who arrive after Sept 18th will not be allowed to join the program, so it is very important that you keep that in mind as you plan your travel and arrival in mirmi and alert me if are not able to attend the introduction.

Before we meet, I have prepared important information to help prepare you for this program. Please review this information carefully.

During your first term in the LCDM Program you will have the following teachers and workshop leaders:

Madan bhattarai-Attaway
yugachandra bhattarai
Suvechha chand
salina chand
subas pandey
arunima bhandari Bäcke

Additional guest lecturers may be included in your courses.

Generally, your lectures and seminars will take place between Monday and Friday mornings. Some group work may be assigned outside of class, and you may be required to meet your classmates outside of class to complete collaborative work. Additionally, film screenings and other activities may take place on Friday afternoons. Courses are held on campus, and we have strict attendance policies. You must be present on campus in your classes to receive full credit for courses, and excessive absenteeism will impact your grade and ability to receive credit for courses.
The first two LCDM courses you will take are:

1) Language and Communication 1, an introduction to grammar, writing, and oral communication in English. This course begins on Sept. 7th 2009 and will run until mid-January 2010.

2) Media Form and Design, a course introducing you to principles of effective graphical design and media technologies. This course begins on Sept. 8th 2009 and runs until the last week in October, 2009.

You must purchase the following texts before arriving to campus for the Language and Communication 1 Course:

Good Reasons: Researching and Writing Effective Arguments (4th Edition, Paperback) by Lester Faigley and Jack Seltzer
Making Sense of Grammar by David Crystal.
Design Basics for Creative Results by Bryan L. Peterson
Starting Dates For Courses:
Language and Communication 1 will begin on Monday, September 7th at 10.15 in Room 5320 and Media Form and Design will begin on Tuesday, September 8th at 10.15 in Room 5320. You will receive a detailed schedule at our introductory meeting outlining the specific readings and assignments for your courses.

Students will complete oral, written and digital work as part of their course examinations. All instruction and examination work is in English.

Computers and Technical NeedsStudents are recommended to bring their own computer laptops with wireless network capabilities and internet software to complete work in class and other assignments. Ideally, students should have the following applications installed on their laptops: current

Power is generated or "manufactured"

How is Hydro Electricity Generated?
Power is generated or "manufactured" in large power generating stations using the same basic principle as a small grist mill yet on a much larger and vastly improved scale for better efficiency. These electrical generators are attached to massive turbine devices which spin at great speeds as a result of water rushing through them. These power station turbines are much more efficient at extracting the kinetic energy from the moving water and converting that energy it into power through these generators.
The Hydro Electricity extracted from water depends not only on the volume but on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. This height difference is called the head. The amount of potential energy in water is directly proportional to the head. To obtain very high head, water for a hydraulic turbine may be run through a large pipe called a penstock.
For instance, energy is derived to make power by the force of water moving from a higher elevation to a lower elevation through a large tube" otherwise known in technical terms as a "penstock". When the water reaches the end of the penstock, it turns a water wheel or "turbine" at enormous speeds. The turbine rotates, via a connected shaft to an electrical generator, and this generator creates electricity. It is the turbine and generator working in combination that converts "mechanical energy" into "electric energy". The water that makes this possible, is a renewable energy resource, just like the wind that turns the turbine attached to a generator.
Hydro Electricity may be extracted from water but it depends not only on the volume of water but also on the difference in height between the top of the penstock and where the water spins the turbine. This difference in height is often referred to as the "head". From this "head", it can be determined the exact amount of potential energy that can be converted. Therefore, it is advantageous to build power dams as high as possible to convert the maximum energy from mechanical energy.
While many Hydro Electricity generating stations supply world power grids, some projects are created for private business purposes. For example, aluminium manufacturing companies require large amounts of power. And there are many other examples of industries that use hydro electricity in their manufacturing operations.

Comment me at 9849030857

Namaste it's me Gopal mera creation haru kasto lag6 plz ramro lage sathi harulai herna bhannu parne hun6 n naramro lage malai bhandinu These live images haru mero birth place chinauna use bhayeka huna sak6na.
Comment me at
Gopal pandey 9849030857 And message at
Tapai haruka sujhav n sallha haru bata best comment lai special gieft ko pani bebasta gariyeko 6. you can mail me also

Effects of Dams - Reasoning for conceptualizing alternatives

Dams are massive edifices that require man power and regular maintenance. Dams have a widespread affect on their surrounding ecosystems. For example, when a river is dammed the water rises and floods the previously dry vegetation which dies and begins to decay. The decaying process releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. Furthermore, silt accumulation becomes a problem. Over time the silt from upriver accumulates and eventually fills the lake, meaning that dams are only a temporary solution. A natural flowing river carries sediment along its path which works as a natural fertilizer for the surrounding area. This creates two problems for the ecosystem, one it is no longer as fertile; as well as, additional maintenance due to the dredging of the silt. In other words, dredging means to smooth out the lake bed or remove built up sediment. The final concern to environmentalists is the migrating wildlife affected by the damming of rivers. Migratory fish are unable to swim upstream to spawn or downstream to the ocean. Moreover, besides wildlife the human residence of the area will be displaced by the dammed water.

Future Directions for the Hydroelectric Industry

The hydroelectric industry has been termed "mature" by some who charge that the technical and operational aspects of the industry have changed little in the past 60 years. Recent research initiatives counter this label by establishing new concepts for design and operation that show promise for the industry. A multi-year research project is presently testing new turbine designs and will recommend a final turbine blade configuration that will allow safe passage of more than 98 percent of the fish that are directed through the turbine. The DOE also recently identified more than 30 million kilowatts of untapped hydroelectric capacity that could be constructed with minimal environmental effects at existing dams that presently have no hydroelectric generating facilities, at existing hydroelectric projects with unused potential, and even at a number of sites without dams. Follow-up studies will assess the economic issues associated with this untapped hydroelectric resource. In addition, studies to estimate the hydroelectric potential of undeveloped, small capacity, dispersed sites that could supply electricity to adjacent areas without connecting to a regional electric transmission distribution system are proceeding. Preliminary results from these efforts have improved the visibility of hydroelectric power and provide indications that the hydroelectric power industry will be vibrant and important to the country throughout the next century.

The Hydroelectric Industry Stabilizes 1986–2000

The Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986, which increased the focus on non-power issues in the hydroelectric licensing process, has contributed to an increase in development costs to the point where new hydroelectric facilities are often only marginally competitive with other conventional electric generating technologies. Since 1986, the time required to obtain a hydroelectric license has grown from two years to four years and the licensing cost has doubled for projects of all sizes. Even with more efficient technology, hydroelectric generation increased only slightly between 1986 and 2000. By 1986, the average size of all hydroelectric projects in the United States was about 35,500 kilowatts. After 1986, new projects completing the licensing and construction process average less than 5,000 kilowatts in size.
The recent availability of cheap natural gas and the minimal permitting requirements for gas-fired electricity generating plants has resulted in a dramatic increase in the construction of these plants. These gas-fired plants are meeting the increasing electricity demand more economically than other generating resources.
In today's climate of increased environmental awareness, the construction of new dams is often viewed more negatively than in the past. Therefore, the construction of a new dam for hydroelectric generation is rare. Only six hydroelectric projects were constructed between 1991 and 2000 with new dam or diversion structures and all of these structures are less than 30 feet (10 meters) in height. Hydroelectric facilities are installed at only about 2 percent of the nation's dams.

August 21, 2009

Mirmee Syanga biggest Hydroelectricity project

In 1989 no one know that river is mostly use in hydropower or it is possibal to make electricity.but knowdasy all are who visited there believ all the power was supplied from here. When it was finished we all are frighetn of being lake it will hamper use and our village will be distroyed by river but nowdays we all are very happy all of being of it.
End of the 1989's search about this by the japanese,itilyan,chinese enginers and they are agree to make hydroproject. There are two mostly benifit for the toucher area one of them is pond or lake.When the dam made it make a larg pond where 9larg and 10small seambar and 13 boat are running off and on.

August 19, 2009

Mirmi,Harmichaur,Arbeni,Setibeni & Bridge

KaliGandaki river and dam site Hydroelectricity of Mirmi syangja. All work of this Hydroelectricity project was finished in 1999.
This river saperet the two district of here which is "HARMICHAUR"(harmichaur) left hand site and Syangja in right site.Harmichaur is also tourist area there are helpful people.Way of Arbani,Satibeni,Parbat is also start from here.You may see bridge in picture which is also made in project time.

This River is going 72 km far from here to met the end of tannel of balam jaypate,beltari..

The power of Water how Danger it .

The power of water........water flowing in road when it is very (heavy rain ) Repoted by Gopal andey with Bhuwan pandey in 2066's assad rain. People and vechial passing without any frighten of  . We may be trying to make hydroproject if it takes are many of original river but many of them not usese.

August 18, 2009

Steamber & Boat are available in mirmee

People are in steemer waiting or seating for their journy to setibeni or some of them loading thier food this boat are caring hundred of tone which was engine bote called steemer .This pond is made by kaligandaki dam... it is cheapest then the other vacale ...................

A corner of Mirmee Syangja

Village of mirmi syangja(1st.pic),You can see here this type of houses (pic.2nd) mostly usages , This house's facility is no warm in summer and nor cold in winter there is no neded to A.C in warm and nor heater in winter this houses made by mud,wood , and grass(khar). Mirmi or mirmee is same name in tone and aslo in usages but we use it mostly mirmee. Mirmi have many intrested thing to see. On the first picture you can see RCC house also which was recently builtedIn Mirmi

This rounded home is may be counted 4/5th top ten in mirmi, you can see the people infront of house who help anywhere for guided in this area was govinda bhattarai.

For more photos plz click here: ]) Gpzl collection/images

August 17, 2009

River for elericity.

The hydro power is made by strong river which flows power. ad it take a time to made electricity. No loadsheding be available in there if the all river is use in the water strong in mirmee syangja.

A view of Mirmee,syangja

A view of Mirmee, Phanta from the top of the dam site hill....

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